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She said somewhat chastened, “I didn’t think you meant it. There is no way you would just walk away from twenty-two years of happy marriage.”I chuckled and said, “Oh but I HAVE Heather and I have a brand new life now. Better yet, it’s completely without YOU” There was an even longer pause. Her tone became seductive, “But lover. I can’t live without you. You know that.” She probably didn’t realize how true her words really were. I had left what remained in the savings and checking accounts. That is, after I had finished paying for my move. But that money would run out in a couple of weeks. And she had nothing to replenish it.I said matter of fact, “You’ll have to get used to it Heather. I am completely out of your life. Now I really have to get back to work.” She blurted, “Wait!!! Don’t hang up!!! I really need to talk to you!!?” All of the bravado was gone. She sounded desperate.I wanted to get this over with. I said, “Let’s meet at Jhonny’s and we can work out the details of the. Instead he found himself looking down the barrel of my ugly .38."What the fuck?" he said."I asked you very nicely to show me your ID and give me the phone number of your boss. You copped an attitude that concerns me a lot. This is a high security apartment building, you knew that when you buzzed my gate, now you are going to stand right there until a patrol car shows up." I punched 911 on my cell phone."I'm just a cable guy, you are crazy," he demanded tensing for fight or flight."All the more reason for you to shut the fuck up and wait. If you do anything foolish, you will not be the first person I have shot this year." While we waited, I rehashed it in my mind. I could not believe that things had gone south so quickly.The officer who came was a female. First she took my pistol, then she forced the cable guy to do what I had asked earlier. Turns out the cable guy didn't have an ID, which is why he wanted to scramble away. The only thing out of sink was simply that he was working off.
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